ARA Applauds Announcement on Agriculture’s Role in Sustainable Biofuels

ARLINGTON, Va. (May, 2024) – The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) President & CEO Daren Coppock released the following statement applauding the Biden Administration’s announcement updating the Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technology (GREET) model and including regenerative agricultural practices in the sustainable aviation fuel emissions calculation:
“ARA is pleased to hear the announcement from the Biden Administration firmly establishing a role for agriculture in the future of sustainable fuels. Updates to the GREET model and the inclusion of agricultural crops and practices in the equation to qualify for 40(b) tax credits in 2023 and 2024 opens an important door for America’s farmers.
“As the Administration works to develop criteria for the 45(z) credits that will start in 2025, we look forward to more crops and more practices being included in the mix. Agriculture has much to offer, and we’re pleased to see those attributes recognized.
“Decisions like this don’t just happen,” Coppock continued. “They’re the product of months of hard work between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Department of Energy, White House staff and others. ARA offers our thanks and appreciation to Secretary Tom Vilsack and the team at USDA who invested time and a lot of work to show that agricultural crops can be big contributors to sustainable biofuels supply.”

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