Thompson Releases Additional 2024 Farm Bill Details, Pens Open Letter

WASHINGTON, DC — House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15) today released additional details on the bipartisan policies and priorities included in the 2024 Farm Bill, accompanied by an open letter to colleagues and stakeholders.

To view the 2024 Farm Bill Title-by-Title Summary, click here.
To view additional details as they become available, click here.
To view Chairman Thompson’s open letter, click here.

Text of the Chairman’s open letter:  

Dear Friends,

When I became Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, I took seriously my mandate to protect our food supply, and bolster the viability and impact of our nation’s agricultural value chain. I traveled the country, urban and rural district alike, listening to thousands of hours of passionate pleas for Congress to do its job and bring forth a farm bill that preserves and protects American agriculture.

I have long been clear in my intent: any farm bill must align the farm safety net with the needs of producers, make long-term investment in locally led, voluntary, incentive-based conservation practices, expand market access and trade promotion opportunities, strengthen program operations to demand transparency and accountability to the taxpayer, revitalize rural communities and economies, and reinforce not only the importance of helping our neighbors in need, but doing so without indiscriminate expansion of our nutrition safety net.

The 2024 Farm Bill was written for these precarious times and is reflective of the diverse constituency and narrow margins of the 118th Congress. Each title takes into consideration the varying opinions of all who produce as much as those who consume. It is not one-sided, it does not favor a fringe agenda, and it certainly does no harm to the programs and policies that feed, fuel, and clothe our nation.

There exists a few, loud armchair critics that want to divide the Committee and break the process. A farm bill has long been an example of consensus, where both sides must take a step off the soapbox and have tough conversations.

So, while the Chairman’s mark is near finalized, my door remains open. We have come too far, and I will not put politics over people.


To view additional details on the 2024 Farm Bill as they become available, visit:

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