Thompson Releases Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024

WASHINGTON, DC — House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15) issued the following statement after releasing text of the 2024 Farm Bill:

“The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 is the product of extensive feedback from stakeholders and all Members of the House, and is responsive to the needs of farm country through the incorporation of hundreds of bipartisan policies. The release of this draft is a significant step forward in a years-long, deliberative process. The markup is one step in a greater House process, that should not be compromised by misleading arguments, false narratives, or edicts from the Senate. I look forward to engaging with colleagues on both sides of the aisle as we move to markup.”

Discussion draft text of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 here.

An updated title-by-title summary can be found here.

To view additional details on the 2024 Farm Bill as they become available, visit:

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