Groups React to House Farm Bill Ahead of Markup

Some of America’s leading agricultural organizations are reacting to the House version of the farm bill put forth by Ag Committee Chair GT Thompson ahead of markup on May 23.

American Soybean Association President Josh Gackle believes the legislation will significantly enhance the effectiveness and accessibility of the farm safety net. The National Sorghum Producers say the legislation will reinforce the safety net and strengthen crop insurance and conservation programs. The American Farm Bureau points out that the conservation and research programs help farmers protect the resources they’ve been entrusted with and allow American ag to innovate.

U.S. Wheat Associates says the food aid programs in the House farm bill ensure that more food will go directly into the bellies of hungry people around the world. Corey Rosenbusch, president of The Fertilizer Institute, says the text will encourage greater adoption of nutrient stewardship and conservation practices by growers across the country.

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