(NASHVILLE)– As the House prepares to markup the GOP led Farm Bill on Thursday, May 23rd, I can’t help but wonder if this is light at the end of the tunnel or another step in a long road ahead?
I say that because the amount of partisan divide over a new five year Farm Bill in both the House and Senate is starting to trouble me. Much like the Presidential politics we are watching unfold, the turmoil in the House itself at times and the general mudslinging going on in Washington D.C. politics; it seems like this is one of the most non-bipartisan Farm Bill efforts I can ever remember. And covering it as a farm broadcaster is getting to be quite an exhaustive effort.
Now, I’m no D.C. insider. I don’t understand all of the politics behind what goes on some days on Capitol Hill. I’m just a small town, Iowa raised farm kid who likes to sit back, take in all sides of an issue that he is hearing about and make a sound judgement on what is laid before me. And right now, my judgement is that Democrats and Republicans need to put aside their differences, come to the table and get a bill done.
The 2018 Farm Bill is already outdated and on a one year extension, making what should be a five year bill now a six year (and possibly seven if we get another extension) bill. That 2018 bill was a good bill, but the economics of farming, ranching and nutrition programs have changed dramatically. Our nations farmers and ranchers, who supply food and fiber to our country and help to feed hungry mouths, need to see this get done soon.
I do not have all the answers on how to properly fund this bill. And I don’t have all the answers in terms of what programs should and should not be in this Farm Bill. But, I do know that the time is now to put aside party differences, come to the table, and show this country that we can still work in a bipartisan manner.
I applaud the work of the committees in the House and Senate to this point for the work they have all done along with the leaders of each committee including Chairman Thompson, Ranking Member Scott, Chairwoman Stabenow and Ranking Member Boozman.
Now, I hope that with today’s House markup, we can start to see a new Farm Bill across the finish line in a bipartisan and thoughtful manner. -JA