HomeAg NewsCattle on Feed Down 1% From a Year Ago in May Report

Cattle on Feed Down 1% From a Year Ago in May Report

(WASHINGTON D.C.) — The May Cattle on Feed Report out Friday afternoon showed on feed numbers down just 1% from the same time last year.

Cattle and calves on feed totaled 11.6 million head on May 1, 2024. Placements during the month of April came in at 1.66 million head, down 6% from 2023. Marketings of fed cattle in the month of April totaled 1.87 million head, 10% above 2023’s number. And other disappearance totaled 56,000 head in April, also 10% above 2023.

Most of the report came in at or close to pre-report analyst expectations. You can view the full report here: https://usda.library.cornell.edu/concern/publications/m326m174z

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