75% of Corn Rated Good to Excellent as Planting Progress Continues

(FARGO, ND)– The first corn condition ratings of the season from USDA paint a pretty strong picture of a crop that is off to a great start across much of the country.

USDA on Monday said that nationwide the corn crop is rated 75% good to excellent, 5% higher than the average trade guess. Meanwhile, corn emergence jumped to 74% nationwide as of Sunday, June 2nd and corn planting is now 91% complete nationwide. 93% of corn had been planted in both Minnesota and Iowa, 89% in Illinois, 86% in North Dakota and 94% in South Dakota as of Sunday.

For soybeans, planting progress moved ahead ten percentage points to now stand at 78% nationwide with 55% of the crop emerged as of Sunday. North Dakota only had 66% of soybeans in the ground as of Sunday with South Dakota at 75% planted.

In spring wheat, 94% of the crop is planted nationwide as of Sunday, June 2nd with 78% of the crop emerged and 74% of the crop rated in good to excellent condition. Minnesota was 98% planted, North Dakota at 91%, Montana at 94% and South Dakota at 100% planted. Meantime, Minnesota and North Dakota spring wheat crops are rated 80% and 82% good to excellent respectively with South Dakota rated 86% good to excellent.

For winter wheat, the crop went up one point in the good to excellent category to now stand at 49% G/E this week while 83% is headed and 6% of the crop has been harvest as of Sunday, June 2nd. Lastly, 70% of cotton was planted nationwide and 61% was rated in good to excellent condition this week.

View the full report here: https://usda.library.cornell.edu/concern/publications/8336h188j

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