AFBF Encourages Support of AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act

American vehicle manufacturers announced plans to remove AM radio from new electric vehicles. The AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act in Congress would prevent that from happening.

Emily Buckman, director of government affairs for the American Farm Bureau Federation, talks about the importance of AM radio. “AM radio is important for rural America because farmers, ranchers, and rural residents rely on it as a source of weather, commodity, and national farm policy updates,” says Buckman. “Access to radio is critically important for America’s producers, especially in times of emergency. For those who work mostly in the open, often miles from home, response time is critical. Members need a reliable form of communication to access critical information during those times.”

Buckman says auto manufacturers previously cast doubt on the future of AM radio, but Congress is considering a legislative fix.

“Last year, several automakers announced they have removed or planned to remove broadcast AM radio receivers from EVs due to interference generated by electric batteries,” says Buckman. “Ford Motor Company even went so far as to claim they are removing AM radio from all vehicles. They later reversed that decision. They are considering legislation that would require the Department of Transportation to require automakers to maintain AM broadcast radio in their new vehicles at no additional charge.”

Farmers and ranchers are encouraged to get involved in the push to keep AM radio available in rural America. “If farmers and ranchers want to ensure AM radio remains available in their vehicles, I would encourage everyone to reach out to their lawmakers in the U.S. House and Senate to urge support for the AM Radio in Every Vehicle Act,” according to Buckman.

Farmers and Ranchers can help by responding to the action alert on the Farm Bureau website. For information, go to

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