NIETC Projects Concerning to Farmers and Ranchers

(COLUMBIA, MO)– Last month the US Department of Energy released ‘phase two’ of the proposed National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (NIETC), also referred to as “Net-see’s.” The plan would impact agricultural land and rural communities in more

Stabenow: Republican Farm Bill Framework Uses “Magic Math”

Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Chair of the Senate Ag Committee, released a statement after the Congressional Budget Office published its revised 10-year budget projections. “Today’s updated projections from the CBO prove what we’ve been saying all along.

2024 Farm Bill Better Than 2025

Some Senate Ag Republicans suggest it may be better to hold out until next year for a better farm bill deal. Others disagree. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) says the argument for waiting ‘til next year to get

AFBF Calling for Action on Labor Reform

The American Farm Bureau sent a letter to USDA and the Department of Labor on the significant shortage of help on U.S. farms and ranches. John Walt Boatright, director of government affairs with AFBF, talks about the

Farmers Holding Large Corn and Soybean Stocks

After stockpiling crops for much of this season due to low commodity prices, many U.S. farmers continue to turn away buyers despite few signs that prices will improve. Farm Policy News says grain supplies are ample, and

USDA Releases Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook

USDA released its June 2024 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook that shows the 2024 beef production forecast is virtually unchanged. Heavier cattle weights are expected to partially offset tight cattle supplies. The 2025 beef production forecast is