Mexico to Drop Plan to Cut Yellow Corn Imports
The incoming government in Mexico will discard a key goal of the previous administration to reduce yellow corn imports and achieve self-sufficiency in yellow corn production. Investing Dot Com says the incoming ag minister, Julio Berdegue, says
AFB Says Congress Must Write Clearer Laws After SCOTUS Chevron Ruling
The American Farm Bureau says it’s now up to Congress to write clearer laws in the wake of the Supreme Court’s historic Friday ruling overturning legal precedent favoring federal bureaucrats over judges. AFB Deputy General Counsel Travis
USDA Releases Proposed Updates to FMMOs
The USDA released updates to the Federal Milk Marketing Orders. The 332-page proposal released on Monday would restore a rule that makes the Class 1 milk price the higher-of the price of Class 3 and Class 4
Rounds’ Push for MCOOL in Farm Bill Endorsed by South Dakota, National Farm and Ranch Groups
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today announced endorsements from national and regional farm and ranch advocacy groups for his fight to include mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL) in the 2024 Farm Bill. This letter is endorsed by R-CALF
PLC Accepts Rolling Submissions for Research Proposals Bolstering Federal Lands Ranching
WASHINGTON – The Public Lands Council (PLC) today announced a rolling notice of funding availability that accompanies the existing grant funding process for Fiscal Year 2025. This two-track process allows individuals and organizations to submit proposals at
Celebrating the International Year of the Woman Farmer
Women are responsible for roughly half of the world’s food production. The United Nations’ designation of 2026 as the International Year of the Woman Farmer gives the world a chance to highlight and celebrate the incredibly important
Unique Program Pays Illinois Farmers to Improve Soil Health
American Farmland Trust and ADM are launching the next season of a program that supports Illinois farmers and the environment. The ADM re:generations™ Program in Illinois encourages farmers to incorporate regenerative agriculture practices into their operations while