Corn, Soybean and Spring Wheat Conditions Improve Nationwide

(WASHINGTON D.C.)– The nationwide condition of corn, soybeans and spring wheat improved slightly this past week while the nation’s cotton crop took another hit. According to the latest Crop Progress report from USDA, corn and soybeans nationwide

Top Scientists Defend Biofuels in RFS Court Filing

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Eight of the nation’s top agricultural, biomass, and greenhouse gas (GHG) lifecycle scientists filed an amicus brief on July 3rd that challenged the faulty assumptions underpinning a number of attacks on the Renewable Fuel Standard

Ag Land Market Showing Signs Of Settling

According to Farmers National Company, the agricultural land market has been “nothing short of exceptional during the past five years.” Gains in value are prevalent across all classes of land in every region of the country. Strong

USDA Releases Proposed FMMO Updates, Farm Bureau Reacts

The USDA held a 49-day Federal Milk Marketing Order hearing and listened to hundreds of hours of testimony, which resulted in reform proposals released this week. Roger Cryan, chief economist with the American Farm Bureau, says the

Almost Time to Scout for Corn Rootworm Pressure

Corn rootworm pressure is expected to be high this year, with larvae already beginning to hatch in some areas. Andrew Penney, technical agronomist for Bayer Crop Science, talks about how corn rootworm pressure is looking in the