Farmland Values Stabilizing

Farmland values have stabilized in Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming. A Benchmark Farm Value Trends Report from Farm Credit Service of America and Frontier Farm Credit says benchmark values rose just 0.07 percent. “The combination

Farm Groups Seek SAF Tax Credit Improvements

Top farm groups want improvements in the administration’s sustainable aviation or clean fuel tax credit, shortcomings they say could put the benefits “out of reach for many farmers.” The American Farm Bureau, the American Soybean Association, the

EIA: SAF Production Capacity Will Continue to Grow

The Energy Information Administration is predicting the production capacity of sustainable aviation fuel in the U.S. to increase from 2,000 barrels a day to 30,000 barrels a day this year. That’s if all announced capacity additions manage

Financial Experts Want Support for U.S. Sugar Policy

Five dozen farm lenders and financial experts sent a letter to House and Senate Ag Committee leadership urging Congress to strengthen U.S. sugar policy in the farm bill and oppose efforts to weaken the safety net. “An

Wheat Production Forecast at Eight-Year High

U.S. all-wheat production for 2024-2025 is forecast at 2.008 billion bushels, the largest wheat crop since 2016-2017. Production is up 134 million bushels from the previous month and 11 percent higher than the previous year. Larger production

USB Sets Forward-Thinking 2025 Budget

The 77 farmer-leaders serving on the United Soybean Board approved $173.8 million for the 2025 fiscal year budget. The budget supports research, promotion, and education investment portfolios selected through the USB Portfolio Development Process. These investments drive