July Four-Wheel Drive Tractor Sales Increase

U.S. sales of four-wheel-drive tractors increased 18.6 percent in July compared to the year before and are up 5.2 percent year to date. That’s according to new data from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers. Total sales of

Fertilizer Prices Not Slumping Like Grain Prices

(NASHVILLE, TN)– As grain prices continue to slump lower amid the weight of projected big crops this fall, many crop input prices are not showing the same declines. That includes many inputs on the fertilizer side of

ASA President Testifies at Senate Appropriations Field Hearing


Wheatland, ND — ASA President Josh Gackle of Kulm, North Dakota, was invited to testify August 15 at a Senate Appropriations Committee subcommittee field hearing titled, “Perspectives on the Future of Agriculture Research and Technology.” His written statement

Illinois Farmland Prices Up Three Percent in 2024

The average farm real estate value for Illinois in 2024 is $8,700 per acre, including the value of the land and buildings. That is 3.3 percent higher than the adjusted 2023 average of $8,420 per acre. It’s

Food Price Index Up Fractionally in July

The Food Price Index increased 0.2 percent in July, as it did in June. The index for food at home rose 0.1 percent in July. Three of the six major grocery store food group indexes rose over