The Farm Service Agency’s $2 billion Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops Program is now accepting applications from December 10, 2024, through January 8, 2025. The goal of the program is to help specialty crop producers expand markets and manage higher costs.
“Specialty crop growers have typically faced higher marketing and handling costs relative to non-specialty crop producers due to the perishability of fruits, vegetables, floriculture, nursery crops, and herbs,” says FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux. “Through this marketing assistance program, we can expand U.S. specialty crop consumption and markets by providing specialty crop producers the financial support they need to help them engage in activities that broaden and enhance strategies and opportunities for marketing their commodities.”
The program helps specialty crop producers meet higher marketing costs related to things like the perishability of specialty crops like fruits, vegetables, floriculture, nursery crops, herbs, and others. For information, go to