Sheep Industry Wants 2025 to Be Best Year Yet for Education

The American Lamb Board’s 2025 program includes workshops and summits aimed at equipping sheep producers with the necessary tools and resources to profitably grow their operations. They’re encouraging producers to begin planning their year by discovering more about several upcoming opportunities, including six targeted grazing workshops on the 2025 schedule.
The rapid development of utility-scale solar farms across the country has stimulated a significant need for sheep grazing as a means of vegetation management. There are increasing opportunities for sheep grazing contracts in wildfire-prone areas and vineyards. Sheep grazing helps eliminate dried plants that otherwise could become wildfire fuel, and grazing in vineyards and other regions helps to clear weeds while reducing or eliminating herbicide use.
The ALB Targeted Grazing Workshops provide a unique chance to learn about these paid grazing contracts, which offer significant potential for expanding the sheep flock and enhancing the availability and price competitiveness of American Lamb.

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