In an annual address on the state of the industry, Renewable Fuels President and CEO Geoff Cooper highlighted the ethanol industry’s pivotal role in American agriculture. He also outlined how ethanol can again help the farm sector thrive in the face of current economic challenges if the right actions are taken by Congress.
Speaking at the RFA’s 30th Annual National Ethanol Conference, Cooper’s report not only reflected on the industry’s history but also looked toward the future under the leadership of President Trump and a new Congress.
“From the early days of ‘gasohol’ during the Carter administration to the transformative passage of the Renewable Fuel Standard in 2005, the ethanol industry has evolved into a cornerstone of energy security and agricultural prosperity,” Cooper said. “The success of ethanol has had a profound impact on American consumers and farmers alike, lowering pump prices, enhancing energy independence, and bolstering rural communities.”
Cooper says it’s up to the new Trump Administration whether to “throw more money at the problem” with more ad hoc payments or help farmers “grind their way out” of their crisis. One way is to support new year-round E15, according to Cooper. “Just last Thursday, the year-round E15 legislation was reintroduced in both the House and Senate by a determined group of bipartisan lawmakers,” he said. “They’ll again be looking for any and every opportunity to include the E15 measure in upcoming must-pass legislation.”
In his address, he also added that “if Congress and the administration take the necessary action to allow the year-round nationwide sales of E15 through existing infrastructure, it will be an absolute ‘game changer’ for American agriculture.”
Story courtesy of the NAFB News Service and Matt Kaye, Berns Bureau Washington